1. Discontinuous Galerkin scheme
  2. DG implementation
  3. ODE formulation
  4. References

Discontinuous Galerkin scheme

We employ the Symmetric Interior Penalty Galerkin (SIPG) method for discretising the equations of linear elasticity. The standard SIPG method (without slip boundary condition) is given by the following variational problem: Find uVh\bm{u} \in V_h such that

wVh:a(u,w)=L(w),\forall \bm{w} \in V_h : a(\bm{u}, \bm{w}) = L(\bm{w}),

where VhV_h is a broken polynomial space on mesh Th\mathcal{T}_h and the forms are given by (Rivière, 2008)

aη(u,w)=EThEcijklεkl(u)εij(w)dx+eΓiΓDe{ ⁣{cijklεkl(u)nje} ⁣}wi{ ⁣{cijklεkl(w)nje} ⁣}ui+δeuiwids,L(w)=EThEFiwidx+eΓDecijklεkl(w)njegi+δewigids.\begin{aligned} a_{\eta}(\bm{u},\bm{w}) &= \sum_{E\in\mathcal{T}_h} \int_E c_{ijkl} \varepsilon_{kl}(\bm{u}) \varepsilon_{ij}(\bm{w}) d\bm{x} \\ &+ \sum_{e\in\Gamma_i\cup\Gamma_D} \int_e - \{\!\{c_{ijkl}\varepsilon_{kl}(\bm{u})n_j^e\}\!\}\llbracket w_i\rrbracket - \{\!\{c_{ijkl}\varepsilon_{kl}(\bm{w})n_j^e\}\!\}\llbracket u_i\rrbracket + \delta_e\llbracket u_i\rrbracket\llbracket w_i\rrbracket ds, \\ L(\bm{w}) &= \sum_{E\in\mathcal{T}_h} \int_E F_i w_i d\bm{x} + \sum_{e\in\Gamma_D} \int_e - c_{ijkl}\varepsilon_{kl}(\bm{w})n_j^e g_i + \delta_e w_ig_i ds. \end{aligned}

The set Γi\Gamma_i is the set of all interior faces and δe\delta_e is a penalty parameter that needs to be large enough to ensure coercivity.

Introducing a slip boundary condition is particularly simple in the DG method, because the finite element spaces are already discontinuous. Following the machinery of Arnold et al. (Arnold et al., 2002), the SIPG method follows from the following particular choice of numerical fluxes:

{ ⁣{u^i} ⁣}={ ⁣{ui} ⁣}u^i=0σ^ij={ ⁣{cijrsεrs} ⁣}δeuinj\begin{aligned} \{\!\{\hat{u}_i\}\!\} &= \{\!\{u_i\}\!\} \\ \llbracket \hat{u}_i\rrbracket &= 0 \\ \hat{\sigma}_{ij} &= \{\!\{c_{ijrs}\varepsilon_{rs}\}\!\} - \delta_e\llbracket u_i\rrbracket n_j \\ \end{aligned}

A slip boundary condition is implemented equating the jump in u^\hat{u} to slip:

{ ⁣{u^i} ⁣}={ ⁣{ui} ⁣}u^i=TikSkσ^ij={ ⁣{cijrsεrs} ⁣}δe(uiTikSk)nj\begin{aligned} \{\!\{\hat{u}_i\}\!\} &= \{\!\{u_i\}\!\} \\ \llbracket \hat{u}_i\rrbracket &= T_{ik}S_k \\ \hat{\sigma}_{ij} &= \{\!\{c_{ijrs}\varepsilon_{rs}\}\!\} - \delta_e(\llbracket u_i\rrbracket-T_{ik}S_k) n_j \\ \end{aligned}

One can then show that one only needs to add faces in ΓF\Gamma_F to the interior faces Γi\Gamma_i and modify the right-hand side as shown in the following:

L~(w)=L(w)+eΓFe{ ⁣{cijklεkl(w)nje} ⁣}TikSk+δewiTikSkds.\tilde{L}(\bm{w}) = L(\bm{w}) + \sum_{e\in\Gamma_F} \int_e - \{\!\{c_{ijkl}\varepsilon_{kl}(\bm{w})n_j^e\}\!\} T_{ik}S_{k} + \delta_e \llbracket w_i\rrbracket T_{ik}S_{k} ds.

DG implementation

We make the following implementation choices:

  1. We limit ourselves to conforming simplex meshes. Templates are used for dimension-independent programming, thus one can switch between triangles and tetrahedra at compile-time.
  2. We use polynomial spaces with the same maximum degree for
    1. geometry (isoparametric elements)
    2. material parameters
    3. displacement fields
    4. on-fault slip and state variable
  3. Arbitrary high-order quadrature rules are used to compute integrals on the reference element.

Isoparametric elements: 2d_problem

3D problems: 3d_problem

ODE formulation

The DG method leads to the linear system of equations

Au=b(S,t).A\bm{u} = \bm{b}(\bm{S}, t).

The on-fault slip and time only affect the right-hand side b\bm{b} of the linear system of equations. The operator AA stays constant throughout the whole earthquake cycle. On-fault tractions depend linearly on the displacement u\bm{u} via a coupling matrix CC, therefore one can abstractly write

[σn(S,t),τ(S,t)]=CA1b(S,t)[\sigma_n(\bm{S}, t), \tau(\bm{S}, t)] = CA^{-1}\bm{b}(\bm{S}, t)

Hence, the friction relations become

τi(S,t)=σn(S,t)f(V,ψ)Vi/V+ηVidSidt=Vidψdt=g(V,ψ)\begin{aligned} -\tau_i(\bm{S},t) &= \sigma_n(\bm{S},t)f(|V|,\psi) V_i / |V| + \eta V_i \\ \frac{dS_i}{dt} &= V_i\\ \frac{d\psi}{dt} &= g(|V|,\psi)\\ \end{aligned}

For the algebraic equation the conditions for applying the implicit function theorem are satisfied for many friction laws. Therefore, the slip-rate is a function of slip, state, and time, and we obtain the system of ODEs

dSidt=Vi(S,t,ψ)dψdt=g(V(S,t,ψ),ψ)\begin{aligned} \frac{dS_i}{dt} &= V_i(\bm{S}, t, \psi)\\ \frac{d\psi}{dt} &= g(|V(\bm{S}, t, \psi)|,\psi)\\ \end{aligned}

The evaluation of the right-hand side of above system of ODEs proceeds as follows

  1. Set slip boundary condition and solve linear elasticity problem.
  2. Solve non-linear friction relation for slip-rate (locally for each on-fault node).
  3. Evaluate right-hand side of the system of ODEs with computed slip-rates.

Given that we may evaluate the right-hand side, we can apply any explicit time-stepping to the system of ODEs. We use the TS module from PETSc (Abhyankar et al., 2018), in particular the adaptive Runge-Kutta schemes 3bs, 5dp, or 8vr.


  1. Rivière, B. (2008). Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Solving Elliptic and Parabolic Equations. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. https://doi.org/10.1137/1.9780898717440
  2. Arnold, D. N., Brezzi, F., Cockburn, B., & Marini, L. D. (2002). Unified Analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Elliptic Problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 39(5), 1749–1779. https://doi.org/10.1137/S0036142901384162
  3. Abhyankar, S., Brown, J., Constantinescu, E. M., Ghosh, D., Smith, B. F., & Zhang, H. (2018). PETSc/TS: A Modern Scalable ODE/DAE Solver Library. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:1806.01437.